What is Wonder Works Day Camp’s philosophy?
Wonder Works is a day camp serving children ages 9-12. The day camp provides a variety of experiences that support social and physical development in an environment in which children can play, learn and grow.
Wonder Works values Humanistic principles:
“The life-stance of Humanism—guided by reason, inspired by compassion, and informed by experience—encourages us to live life well and fully. It evolved through the ages and continues to develop through the efforts of thoughtful people who recognize that values and ideals, however carefully wrought, are subject to change as our knowledge and understandings advance.”What are the ages of the volunteers?
Staff must be at least 18 years old. Several of our volunteers are parents themselves and have children who will be attending Wonder Works.
What training do volunteers receive?
Volunteers are required to participate in a volunteer orientation prior to the start of Wonder Works day camp. Training includes, emergency procedures and communication, behavior management, health and safety, and specific procedures for supervision.
What are the hours of operation?
Wonder Works day camp runs 9 AM – 12 PM
What time should my child arrive at Wonder Works?
Participants should arrive at Phillips Farm Park (at the lower picnic shelter) at the designated start time of 9 AM.
What are the arrival, departure, and release procedures?
All parents/guardians must sign their child in and out each day. Your child will only be released to the persons listed on the emergency or authorized pick up section of the enrollment form and daily sign-in sheet. This person will be requested to show proper identification. Please make a note to bring your ID with you each day.
How will behavior and discipline be managed?
Self-management skills and positive social interactions among participants and adults are encouraged and maximize everyone’s enjoyment of camp. Volunteers use positive guidance methods including reminders, distraction, and redirection. Self-management skills are taught according to the following guidelines:
• Consistent rules are clearly stated.
• Participants are expected to work and play within known limits.
• Behavior expected of participants is age appropriate and according to development level.
• An atmosphere of trust is established in order for participants to know that they will not be hurt nor allowed to hurt others.
• Staff members strive to help participants become acquainted with themselves and their feelings. This will help them learn to cope with their feelings and control them responsibly.
Participant safety is the most important concern of the program; therefore, participants whose behavior is dangerous or repeatedly disruptive must be immediately picked up from the program by someone designated through the departure and release procedures. Repeatedly disruptive or dangerous behavior will be discussed with the participant’s parent/guardian and will result in loss of privileges or activities, suspension, or termination from the program.
What happens in event of an emergency?
Our staff keeps your child’s safety as their number one priority. Should your child need medical attention, the Wonder Works director will try to notify the parents/guardians immediately. If parents/guardians cannot be reached, the director reserves the authority to seek medical attention at the parent/guardian’s expense. If the situation is a medical emergency, the camp director will call 911 immediately. The parents/guardians will assume fees for the emergency transportation.
What should my child bring?
As this is an outdoor program, we will run rain or shine. Your child should wear comfortable clothing, hat, etc. Please check the weather forcast daily, and dress your child in appropriate clothing as the weather dictates, e.g. rain jacket and boots. Please bring a waterbottle labeled clearly with your child’s name. Sunscreen is strongly advised. Please do not bring food, unless there is a particular health concern. We will provide a light snack each day (peanut-free and vegan friendly).
How will my child be protected from the sun?
Sunscreen must be applied at home prior to outdoor activities. Staff may not apply sunscreen to a child; staff can only direct a participant how to apply. Sunscreen should be brought to camp and applied frequently. Encourage your kids to drink frequently to avoid overheating and/or dehydration. Participants are required to bring water bottles that can be refilled on the premises.
Will the camp provide a lunch or snack?
A mid-morning snack will be provided for the participants. Snacks will be healthy, peanut-free, and vegan. Please let us know ahead of time if you have any dietary or health concerns.
I still have questions…
Janny Stratichuk
Regional Programs Coordinator